Wednesday, November 2, 2011

cosmo brown

anyone who knows us – knows how much we all love animals (ok so jake only “likes” animals).  each of our pets has a unique personality and we have many funny stories about each of them.  cosmo however takes the cake.  he is an enigma.  according to most articles – he should be dead.  before we knew it was a “no no” – we used to throw him onions from the cutting board and have fed him numerous grapes.  i mean they’re healthy right?  cosmo is a pug, but i think he has more pig than dog in him.  he goes through the trashcans and eats banana peels, coffee grinds, plastic bags, dryer sheets, kleenex – basically anything else that will fit in his mouth.  he doesn’t chew – he inhales.  he’s sucked down entire bags of chocolate and bottles of beer.  he’s wandered out of our house on numerous occasions and has waddled into any of our neighbors open doors looking for food (luckily he’s friendly). we try taking him for walks to help work off some of the fat from his numerous expeditions in the trash can and neighborhood adventures – as soon as we hit the street – he runs straight for any cigarette butt that he can find and sucks it up….even walks are unhealthy for cosmo!  yet despite all of this…he is still alive.
there is only one time that the end has come close…..we had just moved back to california from maryland and were spending some time with my parents.  i was petting cosmo when i felt something on his neck.  i looked closely and saw something that resembled a june bug.  YUK – I HATE JUNE BUGS….but it turned out to be something even worse…..a TICK!!  so i had never seen a tick before, let alone one that was attached to MY dog!  luckily my dad knew just what to do……he first tried putting rubbing alcohol on the tick – trying to get it to release cosmo’s neck.  over and over again he tried – no luck.  then he tried burnt out matches…..can you see where this is going?   after several attempts still nothing….but then my dad didn’t quite blow out the match and POOF cosmo was on FIRE!  my poor fat pug sitting there completely unaware that his back was literally on fire.  thankfully the fire only had a chance to burn off the alcohol and didn’t hurt cosmo.  
so my friends, this is why cosmo is an enigma – he eats chocolate, grapes, onions and everything else that should kill him and yet he continues on!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I can't believe he caught on fire!! Live on, sweet Cosmo!
