Wednesday, October 19, 2011


the browns and christmas……..where do i begin?  the brown family LOVES christmas.  it is by far our favorite time of year.  we get so excited when september rolls around…….not because the kids are in school again, but because we are a few short months away from christmas!!!  i’m one of “those people” who drive their coworkers crazy with christmas music in the beginning of november.  
we have one rule……no christmas music, movies or anything else until november first.  you wouldn’t think that this would be difficult, but there is at least one of us that tries to convince someone else to let the rule slide. 

i came across this picture from last year…..i seriously cannot wait to decorate this year!

so excited to watch this…..

i can’t wait to snuggle with my baby with only the lights from the christmas tree lighting the room while listening to some bing.

i bought this today. 

took a deep inhale (yes i did inhale :) ).
i'm so happy!
christmas is right around the corner!!!

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