Monday, October 24, 2011

luke warm.....but with good intentions

lately i feel like my walk with the lord has been luke warm.   maybe it is partially due to a break in bible study over the summer, or just a busy schedule, but i feel somewhat disconnected.  i have so many good intentions……i’ve bought numerous books, from raising godly children to books on how to study the bible effectively.  three years ago i bought a book on how to encourage your daughter through middle school – i’m on chapter 3 and my daughter is in 8th grade!  i’ve made schedule after schedule penciling in my quiet time in the morning and when that didn’t work scheduling it for nights after the kids go to bed.  why is this so hard to commit to a time to spend with the lord?  if i made a commitment to meet with one of my friends, i wouldn’t continually cancel.  but when i take the initiative to create the schedule, layout my bible or whatever other book i want to read during my quiet time, set my alarm for early, there’s always something that comes up….i don’t sleep well the night before so i need to sleep in a little to catch up; something comes up with the kids that throws our schedule off; i’m tired after work and just want to relax with jake.  there’s ALWAYS something, and honestly i justify the excuses and say to myself “tomorrow i’ll catch up.  the lord understands that my heart desires to this, he’ll forgive me”.   
the other day i came across one of my many new years resolution lists from a couple of years ago.  so many of the items on my list are still what i need to work on!  it was a bit of a rude awakening that although i get organized and make my lists of goals, i have a difficult time following through.  life is busy.  life flies by.  i can’t believe that my babies are 13 and 11.  you go go go and then before you realize it months have flown by.
i desire to live intentionally.  maybe some of my goals may not be realistic for the season of our lives right now, however i can still live with purpose and follow-through with what the lord lays on my heart. 

on my heart…
spending enjoyable time with my kids away from homework, chores and errands
spending daily quiet time with the lord
getting involved in our community

there are so many more items on my “list”, books that i need to read, studies that i need to go over with my kids, etc….however i think that this list has been my downfall in years past.  i try to take on too much, become overwhelmed and don’t accomplish what i really need to.    i’m going to try to put aside my “type a” personality and am going to let some things on my to do list slide and focus on what’s really important!

Isaiah 55:10-11 (NLT):
The rain and snow come down from the heavens
and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow,
producing seed for the farmer
and bread for the hungry.

It is the same with my Word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

1 comment:

  1. Noelle, I have been very intention these past two years to figure out what it is that I value and how exactly to live by these values. Do you know what tool has helped me the most? A pair of trimming shears. If I don't have time for the most important, then I pull out my shears. I trim a lot. But I will say, my most important has been able to take it's rightful place in my heart. :)
