Monday, September 26, 2011

busy bee

i found some great fabrics at the fabric district last week!  i’m so excited to finish my pillows for my shop:)  saturday was my first official day of creating products specifically for my shop.  it was so exciting to be crafting for someone else – not just something for use in our home!  i’m also working on some candle holders and picture frames. here’s a sneak peek of some of the fabrics:

i attended blog sugar last night.  it was so much fun!  such an amazing group of women who not only consistently write on their blogs, but also run successful home businesses.  so inspiring!  next on my list – figuring out how to use twitter!  should be a fun week :)

hope your monday is great!  i know i’m LOVING this gloomy weather.  if only i was home enjoying a cup of hot cocoa and watching this:

or this….

oh well – something to look forward to tonight!


  1. Love the fabrics! It was great seeing you yesterday!

  2. I was so happy you were there.....
    PS-are there TV's in the cabins? I could bring PillowTalk. ha!

  3. Oohh! Those fabrics look great! Can't wait to see what you make with them!
