Friday, September 23, 2011

counting blessings

blessings. its easy to overlook them.  we get caught up in daily life, get sucked into the negativity causing our focus to be misplaced to things in this world, instead of focusing on what god has blessed us with.  i’m guilty of this. i start to replay nasty phrases in my head “why is life so easy for _____ while we’ve had to struggle” or “if only we had _____ everything would be so much easier”.  i see my kids beginning to take on this type of attitude as well “all of our friends have ____”  or my favorite  “all of our friends have an iphone – why can’t i have one!”
it makes me sad – actually sad isn’t a strong enough word for what i feel.  god has given us so much – we have a roof over our head, we’ve never had to miss a meal, we have two healthy kids, after 16 years together jake & i are still madly in love with each other, we both have jobs, we have a wonderful family and an awesome group of friends….i can go on and on.  yet – my mind seems to shoot straight for what I FEEL is lacking according to the world’s standards.  yes, we have experienced loss, more than most people we know, however we have also experienced god’s GRACE, his PEACE, his FORGIVENESS and his LOVE.  he has never left us.  even at times when we feel lost or scared, HE is ALWAYS there – waiting for us to seek HIM. 
we are starting a new tradition in our family….at dinner we are going to each say what we are thankful for in as much detail as possible.  i’m going to purposely look for the blessings throughout the day.  actively looking for blessings  - makes you notice the beauty in the world –not just the negativity. 
yesterday, jake came to meet me at work to ride home with me.  something simple, but sweet.  i’m so thankful to have him in my life.  he makes me smile and is always there to support me. 

James 1:17 (NIV)
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

how do you focus on the blessings in life?


  1. So true!!! I know we've talked about feeling this way. What a sweetie to meet you at work!

  2. Hi Noelle! Love the blog; such a great title! :) I'm looking forward to reading more.

    Now to actually comment on your post, right? ;) I totally agree with you. With all that we have, and we have a lot from the Lord, we still find things to complain about and want for. I've found I have to be intentional about remembering all my blessings and thanking God for them every time I go to him in prayer. It really is true that you have to "choose" joy. I'm working on making that my focus every day.

    Welcome to the blogosphere! :)

  3. YAY!
    I look forward to reading, Noelle.
    LOVE YOU and thank you for the perspective.
